
Short Communication

Reducing CO2 in Passive House Adapted Low-cost Tropical Homes?

Karl Wagner*

Published: 26 April, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 009-012

The background of this novel study is how to apply an empirically adjusted Passive House concept in the tropics - beyond its otherwise prevailing global standards. Even though well-insulated houses have been on the planet since people settled down in some of their first dwellings, passive in the 21st century is different. It includes strict rules for airtightness and fitting of windows along with a sophisticated concept for artificial ventilation. Fresh air reachable from outside by filtered ventilation with heat recovery describes the heart of the system - if natural outside air is not preferable, it is convenient just in seasons with thermal comfort.
Hence, the purpose and aim of the study presented here is to use a less common and at the same time more cost-saving approach: It might seem that the modern type of passive house entails the same standards that have been developed firmly on its own global market niche. However, this article tries to contribute toward a new development of modern passive homes for low-cost affordable tropical and subtropical houses in their entirety.
As a concluding note, the author states that nobody has ever disproven this evolving concept as a combination of airtightness and a new way of forced ventilation without heat- or coolness recovery which is highly applicable for low-cost residential areas in tropical countries. By generating lower temperatures, it can help to surpass the overheating caused by climate change in certain tropical climate zones in higher altitudes and during cooler seasons. The condition is that the occupants are willing to accept a thermal comfort of up to 28 °C and humidity in its 70s and 80s.

Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.jcad.1001040 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF


Climate change; Passive houses; Forced ventilation; Heat- and coolness recovery


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