
Research Article

Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Rodgers Muscle Fatigue Analysis (RMFA) of Dentists using Optical Microscope, Loupes, or No Magnification during Endodontic Access: A Pilot Study

Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues* and Carlos G Adorno

Published: 29 August, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 024-028

Dentistry is a challenging and demanding physical profession, and this impacts not only the quality of the task outcomes but also the professional’s quality of life. 
The nature of dentistry demands prolonged static and awkward seated postures, frequent motions, positioning struggles, and working distances to the oral cavity for strategic procedure management, which become cumulative challenges over the working days, prone to discomfort, pain, or injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders for the operator.
The limitations of the naked eye in dentistry, particularly in terms of visual information and resolution, underscore the need for visual aids. These aids are crucial for achieving the precision required for accurate procedures. Also, visual aids, such as magnifying loupes and the operative microscope, have been in the market for a while, and their proper use has shown ergonomic benefits that promote a neutral working posture and changes in work practice-oriented to control unbalanced awkward posture and motions.
In this study, the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment RULA compares the posture between naked-eye dentistry, conventional loupes, and operative microscope, and with the observational assessment, determine the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders and the need for priority of change. The Rodgers muscle fatigue analysis RMFA is used to predict fatigue in the muscular regions of the body during specific dental tasks.

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