Published: 23 December, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 030-031
Figure 1:
1: (a,b): Root resorption of tooth 21 was diagnosed, (c): 3 mm bone sounding on buccal and mesiodistal aspect, (d): Less traumatic tooth extraction, (e,f): 2-week after tooth extraction, (g): Full thickness flap elevation, (h): 4.1 mm x10 mm Straumann bone level implant was placed in 3D position, (i-k): Freeze-dried bone allograft placed on the top of implant bony defect, two layers of collagen membrane was covered then primary closure was performed, (l-n): 3-month after implant placement, a U-shaped flap elevation for placement of healing abutment, (o): Provisional soft tissue modeling, (p,q): Final prosthesis delivery, clinical showed esthetic implant buccal hard and soft tissue contour, (r-t): 1-year post loading, clinical implant buccal hard and soft tissue contour remained stable, computed tomographic also showed even buccal bone wall, (u,v): 6-year follow up, clinical implant buccal hard and soft tissue contour still remained stable.
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